Inside the front cover, I’d written:
Julia Clarke, Bristol, 1968.
Fifty years later, I took the Little Red Book with me to China. It wasn't until we got to Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan province, that I found someone to give it to.

San Lang told us another story, about Liang Fang’s mother (?), who also attempted suicide, by throwing herself in the river. But she was rescued and lived to raise 14 children, including her own. The other children’s mothers had to work on the farm to provide enough food for them all.

Mao's rejection of Buddhism is denied by the author of a Buddhist-Marxist alliance web site and when I gave Liang Fang my Little Red Book, although she couldn’t read the English, she was delighted when I showed her Lin Biao’s preface in the front. She glanced at her daughter, as if seeking approval, and took the Buddhist prayer beads from her wrist and gave them to me.